Steven van Wel

Age: 46 — Lambsburg, VA


8 Picks Today

Win %
Top 45%
Top 95%
Top 85%
Top 100%


CSU Northridge +2 (3u) (CALNO vs HAW)
Appalachian State -3 (5u) (APP vs ODU)
Houston +3.5 (3u) (HOU vs SAC)
UNC Wilmington -6 (5u) (NEU vs UNCW)
Michigan -10 (4u) (MICH vs MINN)


Michigan Wolverines
$9,605 (#1)
Fresno State Bulldogs
$3,300 (#1)
New Mexico Lobos
$2,900 (#1)
UC Santa Barbara Gauchos
$2,580 (#1)
Wyoming Cowboys
$2,985 (#2)
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More About Steven van Wel

Steven van Wel is 46 from Lambsburg, VA. I was excited to join to post and sell my sports picks. My handicapping focus is based on basketball (NBA, NCAAB) and football (NFL, NCAAF). I can be frequently found at the top of the PL Leaderboards and I look forward to helping you win your next bet! “At the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons.” ― Chinese Proverb
Betting Trends

Since joining Picks Logic, Steven's bankroll has increased by $44,860 putting Steven in the top 5% of the community.

Overall, Steven van Wel has been a consistantly active member and has been proven to be worth following.

Pick Highlights

Steven van Wel has been a member for 2,365 days and posted a total of 4,902 picks.

Past sports picks are allocated as follows:

  • NBA Basketball (42% of picks)
  • NCAA Basketball (29% of picks)
  • NCAA Football (16% of picks)
  • NFL Football (13% of picks)